Friday, December 30, 2011


The year 2011 has changed my life in more ways than I could ever express. It has been quite a roller coaster ride to say the least.

I brought in the new year with no real goals in mind. I was set on enjoying life, and being young while I still had the chance. I was doing things that I'm not necessarily proud of.. I wasn't taking school as seriously as I should, I was most likely hanging out with the wrong crowd of people, and I was doing what every college student is "supposed to do" drinking and partying. Where did this get me? Nowhere worth even mentioning. I definitely spent a lot of time veering off the right path. 

Consider it about midway through the year now, it's summer. I've got no worries and no school, just working and hanging out with friends. At this point I had slowed down quite a bit- still drinking and partying, but not nearly as much as I was before. In my mind I was just being a normal college student. It always just seemed like the thing to do. No worries, right? I told myself I was young and had my whole life to be responsible. Once again, enjoy being young.

At the end of September/early October I started to not feel quite complete. Something always seemed to be missing from my life. I had the best friends, an amazing family, a good job, and decent enough grades, but something was just missing. A boy maybe? More excitement in my life? I wasn't quite sure. 

Well then it sorta hit me. Umm hello Chelsea!? God. God was truly missing from my life. Sure, I have always been a Christian and believed in God but I wasn't really living fully for Him. At this point, I called the one person I knew I could always count on no matter what (you know who you are). She talked to me on the phone for hours about strengthening my relationship with God and becoming the best me that I could possibly be. [this was my first 2011 life changing moment]

Less than a week later I was hospitalized. Heart problems. It was a whirlwind of emotions that I cannot even begin to describe. What 19 year old has to have her heart stopped? This was the question I kept asking myself. I was scared, confused, and upset. I will never forget laying in that hospital bed sobbing uncontrollably. The craziest part of it all? My tears of fear quickly turned into tears of joy. I had lived. My heart stopped beating, and yet I lived. It was the most life changing moment of my life. God has greater plans for my life. This reaffirmed my faith and made it stronger than it's honestly ever been.

Since that day I have vowed to share God's love to the best of my abilities. I strive to show His love everyday in everything that I do. For the first time in my life, I am honestly proud of myself wholeheartedly and of the things I'm doing. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful life.

Most people my age view their life as a long road they've got ahead of them. Like there is no need to be overly concerned with living on the right path or doing the right things. Well, I'm living proof to say that's not true. You're life could be over at ANY time. Literally. I don't say that to scare anyone, just speaking a bit of honesty.  

I'm starting 2012 with this challenge to myself: I want to become a better me. I want to strengthen my relationship with Christ. I want to share His love in as many ways as I possibly can. I want to be a beacon and a role model for all those around me. I want to be a better friend, better family member, and a better overall person. Oh of course I wan't to workout more.. isn't that everyone's New Year's Resolution? =P

I challenge you to do the same. Ask yourself this everyday.. 

Am I modeling the love of Christ? Do my motivations and actions in this relationship reflect the perfect love God has shown me? 

Deuteronomy 31:6 
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. 


  1. Love it! You are such a beautiful young lady, inside and out! And you are so right, only what we do for Christ will last, everything else is like chasing the wind(Ecclesiastes). I too have had most of those same experiences during my younger years, and have been left feeling empty, smiling yet wondering what in the world I was doing. Not that I still couldn't do things even better but I do share in a strong relationship with Christ, and share His love with others, also! It just keeps getting better and better!

    Thanks for being the role model and sweet sweet young lady you are, Chelsea! I am one of the many who are excited to see what God has in store for you! You will do great things and be blessed beyond measure...doing things God's way, we can always expect God's results!

  2. Such a wonderful post! I feel like the strengthening of my relationship with Christ was one of the most life-changing moments I had this year, too. I would be so happy to pray with you anytime you want. Love you! Happy New Year!
